Vastu for Puja Room- Significance, Directions, Vastu Tips as per Vastu Experts.

The vastu of any home or business property is incomplete without the Vastu for Puja Room. As per vastu experts and religious traditions, having a temple or puja room is compulsory for every home.
As it is the most sacred section of the home, it plays a crucial role in determining the overall vatu of the home.
There are many queries among people related to Vastu for Puja Room; such as ‘in which direction to place the temple’, ‘best placement for the idols’ and ‘where to place the temple, if there is no separate puaj room’ and so on.
Today, we will explore all about the significance Vastu for Puja Room, and which zone is best for its placement, in details. So, let us begin.
- 1 Significance of Vastu for Puja Room
- 2 What aspects come under Vastu for Puja Room?
- 3 Placement of the Puja Room in Various Zones of the Home
- 4 Vastu Guidelines for Mandir Design
- 5 Placement of the Idols or Pictures of Gods
- 6 Placement of Puja Cabinet and Other Holy Objects
- 7 Importance of Lighting in the Puja Room
- 8 Color Guidelines about Vastu for Puja
- 9 FAQs about Vastu for Puja Room and Their Factual Answers
Significance of Vastu for Puja Room
Puja room is the separate section of the home in which we place our deities, and other puja belongings and offer our prayers to gods.
Often in big cities where space is very limited, most residential homes don’t have any separate puja room. Moreover, many people don’t make it a priority to have one as well.
But vastu experts recommends against it. It is always best to have some separate space (even a little) to assign as the puja room.
Not only it helps us to focus more on worshipping, but also makes it more convenient to connect with godly energies.
Now, we all know that we are surrounded by both good and bad energies. The right Vastu for Puja Room plays a crucial role in determining which kind of energy we will harnessed in our surrounding.
The pooja room acts as the primary epicenter of all the positive energy in a vastu. Thus, it is of utmost importance that the Vastu for Puja Room is perfect.
This ensure that we mitigate the negative energies that keeps lurking around the home and make our prayers most fruitful. Ultimately, it leads towards a healthy, happy and fulfilling life ahead.
Read More – Vastu For Home
What aspects come under Vastu for Puja Room?
Vastu for Puja Room is an elaborated analysis and it requires considering several aspects of the puja room and its belonging.
It mainly counts the ideal placement zone for the temple, followed by the placement of the interiors of the puja room.
Some vastu guidelines are most basic and important to follow. These include;
- Keeping the puja room clean at all times.
- Discarding the idols or pictures which are broken or chipped.
- Ensuring there is plenty of light in the puja room.
- Ensuring you don’t clutter around the puja room.
A vastu expert usually lists all the important vastu guidelines while conducting Vastu for Puja Room.
Let us understand the Vastu for puja room depending upon its placement in each direction
Placement of the Puja Room in Various Zones of the Home
The direction, in which the puja room must be placed, is the most crucial aspect of Vastu for Puja Room. As per vastu shastra, each direction represents something special.
We will explore how the Vastu for Puja Room varies for all 8 prime directions.
This include 4 cardinal directions- north, south, east, west; and 4 diagonal directions- north-west, north-east, south-west, south east.
- North-east Zone- The north east direction is considered as the zone of lord Shiva, and is termed as the Ishanya zone. You can place any god in this zone puja room.
Thus it is the most auspicious zone to place the puja room. This placement enhances the Vastu for Puja Room, helps to channel the divine energy and lead a fulfilling life.
- East zone– after North-east zone, the east can be consider as suitable zone for puja room placement.
This zone is highly beneficial for people who hold a serious position in their career and wish to get recognition in their work life.
- South East zone- If your family deity is Goddess Durga, only then you are advised to place the puja room in south east zone.
Refrain from utilizing this space for worshiping any other deities as it can bring financial burden or risks of accidents for the residents.
- South zone- The south zone is best for meditation and worshipping of Goddess Kali. It offers the fruitful result to the worshiping.
However, make sure not to worship any other god or goddess in this zone, as it will not be very effective and fruitful.
- South-West zone– Since this is the exact opposite of the North east zone; it comes with few guidelines for worshiping. You can do Vishwakarma Puja in this zone.
The south west is considered as the Pitra zone, and thus, it is ideal for performing any rites for the ancestors of the family.
But avoid it otherwise, as it might cause hindrance in cash-inflow.
- West zone– The west zone is considered good as well for puja room. It is the zone of the Gurus.
These include the worshiping of Baba Loknath, Sai baba, Mahvir Jain, Gautam Buddha, Sikh gurus and so on. You can worship Jesus in this zone as well.
- North-west zone– This zone can be utilized to worship the deceased ancestors of the family.
However, make sure to avoid prayer any deity in this zone.
- North zone- The north zone is most ideal for worshiping Lord Ganesha and Godess Lakshmi. Refrain for worshiping any other deities here.
Since both these deities are associated with financial prosperity and growth, this orientation can be considered for office and factory temple as well.
As you can see, despite popular belief, all the directions can be used for worshiping, as long as you follow the vastu rules.
In case you need further clarification or vastu guidance, feel free to reach out to an expert vastuvid.
If you live in a multi-floored home, don’t place the temple in basement or the terrace room. Placing it on the ground lever is considered as the best for Vastu for Puja Room.
Moreover, make sure that the puja room is not placed under the staircase or right next to the bathroom. Also, refrain from using the puja room for any other activity other than puja.
Now, let us take a quick glance at some of the vastu guidance for temple interiors, as per vastu shastra.
Vastu Guidelines for Mandir Design
In case you have means to construct the puja room, you are advised to follow certain vastu guidelines to ensure the best Vastu for Puja Room.
Ensure that the puja room has low ceiling to ensure better channeling of positive vibration. The ceiling in the shape of pyramid or gopura is considered as most suitable.
Placement of the Idols or Pictures of Gods
Needless to say, in each temple, either you keep some godly idols or pictures or both. Usually, it is recommend to keep idols which are short, not exceeding 7 inches in height.
Make sure that all the idols or pictures face one specific direction. It is also crucial to ensure this alignment does not point towards the puja room door.
You must place it in such a way that the idols/pictures face either west or south. East facing is permissible as well, but avoid north facing at all cost.
Moreover, you need to face either North or east side while praying to ensure good Vastu for puja room. Doing so ensures boosts your worship.
Moreover, you need to make sure that you don’t place the platform right against the walls. Keep a little gap to facilitate free flow of energy around the space and uplift the Vastu for Puja Room.
Placement of Puja Cabinet and Other Holy Objects
Apart from god’s idols and pictures, we also need numerous other things to carry out praying. Their placement too comes under Vastu for Puja Room.
These objects are anything that is required during worshiping. Incense sticks, match box, diyas, praying bells, kalash, holy water (ganga jal), oil and cotton to make lamps, utensils to make and keep Prasad, flowers etc.
You should never encourage cluttering in the Puja room. Thus, it is best to store them all neatly in the puja room cabinet.
Place this cabinet in either west or south zone of the house to improvise the Vastu for Puja Room.
Importance of Lighting in the Puja Room
It is compulsory to have at least one window in the Puja room to facilitate adequate lighting. Install more, if you have space.
The windows enable energy to flow and circulate freely. It also allows sunlight inside during the day and thus brings positive energies of the sun.
It has the potential to uplift the Vastu for Puja Room. For best result, place the windows in the north or east side.
After sunset, make sure to use lamp to keep the place illuminated.
Color Guidelines about Vastu for Puja
Colors play a crucial role in determining the overall Vastu for Puja Room. As per vastu expert the ideal color for the puja room depends on its directional zone.
In general light colors are the best option for puja room as they enable better channeling of the positive energies and create ideal surrounding to offer prayers.
As per vastu experts, the cream color is the most suitable color for puja room. It can be used for painting the interiors of the puja room, no matter which zone it is situated in.
For the north east zone puja room, however, white color works can be considered as well. To know the suitable colors for other zones, you can consult with an expert vastu guru.
FAQs about Vastu for Puja Room and Their Factual Answers
Now, before we wrap up the article, let us list out some most Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Vastu for Puja Room and their answers as offered by vastu experts.
- Which direction should Hindu god face in home?
Ans- You can position the idols in such a way that they either face west or south zone to ensure good Vastu for puja room. The east facing can be considered as well, but avoid north facing at all cost.
- Can puja room be in front of main door?
Ans- As per vastu expert, it is not recommended to have the puja room right in front of the main door. If it cannot be avoided, make sure to install a curtain in front of the temple, when not used.
- Can we keep pooja room in West?
Ans- The North east is the most suitable zone for best Vastu for puja room. But if it is not available, you can place it in west or even east zone.
- Which Colour is good for pooja room?
Ans- The suitable color for the puja room varies depending upon its direction of placement. But as a general rule light colors, particularly the cream color is ideal for puja room.
- Which gods can be kept in the puja room?
Ans- Depending upon the faith you follow you can keep any god in your home. you only need to ensure that you follow the right vastu guidance for its placement.
As you can see, the Vastu for Puja Room is a crucial aspect that you must adhere to in order to make the most fruitful living with your family.
In fact, having a small temple is highly recommended for workplaces and factories as well.
To know more about the same or to avail Vastu for Puja Room, you can reach out to our expert vastu consultant Mr. Pinaki Pal, only at vastu Mangaal.
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